Monday, February 20, 2012

My Aunt And Uncle Silver Wedding Anniversary

This totally a really important party! There were everybody in my big big I tried to look like an adult a little bit but without high heels ^.^ The black dress was the spotlight. And the earings are the stage. I'd like to compare things. I didn't post the photos of my shoes because it thought it wasn't perfect enough so let's take a look!

I didn't dye my hair but it seems like i did. And 1 things for sure , i will never dye my hair.

No this is not my bf. He's my cousins (my aunt's son). He just pretended that he is the one. It's was  so funny so i looked kinda ridiculous >v<

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The fashion game i play on FB: Coco Girl

Oh it's a great fashion game: the clothes are gorgeous, the models and the hairstyles,... are all great...If you are a FASHION LOVERS, you should play this game...Try it, you will fall in love with it ^^

Thursday, January 26, 2012


In Vietnam, people usually organise a beautiful flowers road everytime TET holiday comes. It's Nguyen Hue Flowers Road (me translated ^^).This year it is all about DRAGONS. I don't don't really like that creature because i'm a protestant. But anyway, i've chosen me a jumpsuit with a lace jacket that  my parents bought in China during 2011 summer sale (*.*). The shoes are Converse's in China too. The hat is from a shop name Accessorize. The small bag, i got it in my 6th birthday from my aunt and i used it until now...Let's check it out...!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


In the past, I did hate Pink but now i don't...well, i think it's cute (actually, I love all colors) so i drew some clothes with PINK ...plz leave me some comments...thank you^^